Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One step closer!

We have finally found a title for our upcoming Resident Evil project, "Resident Evil: No Hope Left". "No Hope Left" is actually a sort of slogan that CAPCOM is using for Resident Evil 6's viral marketing. So our title is playing around with that concept. Partially its to gain more views, but partially I want to get CAPCOM's attention and make a film that captures Resident Evil 6's energy without stepping on its toes. Most people spray paint the words "No Hope Left" and take pictures of it, but I want to make an entire short film based on it. Go to to know what I mean.

We also finished out first draft of the script! It still needs some more editing and a couple tweeks but its one step closer to the final project. Soon we will start recruting more zombies, we already have all of the main rolls filled as of now, but we only have a couple volunteers so far for the zombies. Everybody who plays a zombie will get a special thanks. You can also get a special thanks by just clicking "like" on our facebook page right ----> here <---- its that simple! Also, if you want to help and get a producer credit, here's how to do it:

Considering it wouldn't hurt for us to buy some more props and costumes and perhaps even hiring a real makeup artist for the zombie effects, it would be great to be funded by contributors. Ten dollars is the lowest to receive a Producer credit, but that ten dollars could be used to buy a gas mask, a military vest, etc. Plus please spread the word to people who you think are interested. This is a good chance to do something that will get "out there". If this is done right, then I wouldn't doubt that this will get half a million views in a year. If it's done cheaply and rushed, then perhaps it'll only get a couple thousand and many dislikes. So, contributing would be a good way to help out.

We are getting pretty pumped for this and we hope everyone else is as well. We need support in all different ways even if it is just liking our page or telling a friend. The more support the better.

Please go like our page and follow us on twitter for even more updates! And don't forget to vote in our current poll! Only 17 days left to give us your input! Thank you!

Striketoburn Productions

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Slowing down

When we first started our "Untitled Resident Evil" project page on Facebook, there was a rush of "likes" coming in, but now about a week in, it has slowed down. It makes sense for the fact that all of our facebook friends that are interested in this project liked it, now we need to reach out to those who overlooked it, and that are not on our friends list.

On that note; once again, it'll be pretty cool if you all go to Untitled Resident Evil Project and like the page. We've got 54 people so far. What that means is that when I post on that page it'll show up on your wall (along with all your other friends' posts, statuses, etc...) and it'll be added to your favorite movies too.

You don't have to be a Resident Evil fan to like the page.
 But, the more people that like the page, the more likely we'll get views when we actually film our movie and post it on the official facebook page (and the more likes, the more "established" the project will seem to outside people who don't know me or are not familiar to A Strike to Burn Productions at all). Plus we're probably going to be filming (one way or the other) at the old, semi-abandoned Middle School / White Pine in Leslie, so that'll be pretty cool. We're going to need need a few zombies. We've made zombie movies (and attempted to make more than we've succeeded in doing) in the past, and we've found that the hardest thing is actually finding zombie actors. So, if you want to be a zombie (or know someone who might), I'll try to make it worth it: free donuts, coffee, special thanks, heck--even a co-producer credit for that matter.

If we make a viral short film half as good as Murder Inc. and Animus and just slap on the title "Resident Evil," chances are we'll get thousands of views. But the truth is, we're going to make this our most ambitious project ever . . . and that's why we're doing a viral campaign so early. However, we need your help to build up its awareness--that means telling your friends that either a) like zombie movies, video games, or specifically Resident Evil; b) want to break into film making and/or acting and thus this will be a way to get involved and understand the process of independent, backbreaking film making; c) want to be involved with something that certainly will get close to a million views if (with mostly "thumbs up" on YouTube) we get the support that we need to achieve the success that we deserve. 

We would appreciate any support we can get. While you're at it, go check out some of our videos and tells us how you like 'em!
Striketoburn Productions