Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good News!

So its been awhile since we have update our blog but now we come with good news! About a week ago we got a hold of the owner of the abandoned school that we had wanted to film at. He guaranteed us at least one day to use it. It may not seem like a lot but it is something! We have yet to look around inside it, but from what we see from the outside is good. Hopefully we get a chance to check it out before we shoot (which will be around mid-July).

We have also started a new vlog channel the most resent one is a review on Prometheus. And if you haven't yet watched our most recent short film, you should. It's called Animus and it's one of our better short films in story, cinematography and characters. However, the story is Nolan-esque, so you might have to watch it twice. And make sure you like it, too.